New American City
Strong Neighborhoods

Community Engagement Workshop and Public Talk
On Monday, Oct. 22, Dr. Andrew Furco, associate vice president for public engagement at the University of Minnesota, will visit the UF campus for a workshop and public lecture covering the topic of community engagement in higher education.

I-STREET Autonomous Bus Testing on Local Streets
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City of Gainesville and University of Florida Join MetroLab Network
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The City of Gainesville has been selected to participate in Transportation for America’s (T4America) second round of their Smart Cities Collaborative.

Come be part of designing the New American City
The City of Gainesville and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service at the University of Florida offer an annual City of Gainesville Local Government Fellowship program. Applications are due by Friday, March 30.

Aligning Strategic Initiatives Through the Arts
Six months of collaboration culminates in an action plan for arts, culture and humanities linking the University of Florida campus and surrounding community.